Friday, March 9, 2018

Well, just when we thought spring was "springing"... :)  This was our 7th storm day, bringing the last day of school to Tuesday, June 19.

We spent our week practicing our poems, following the Iditarod, solving word problems, and reading, writing, and thinking!  Our Iditarod bulletin board shows the mushers' progress-we each made a prediction about when the first musher will reach Nome.  As of this morning, several of the mushers are about halfway along the trail.  You can follow the standings at and make a prediction of your own! :)

Book orders are going home today; please submit them online or order form by Thursday, March 15.

120th Day/Poetry Reading-as of today, the 120th Day will fall on Friday, March 23.  Regardless of any future (!) snow days, our team will be holding our 120 Museum (thank you for helping with our projects :) ) and our class will do our Poetry Reading on that afternoon.  We'll view the 120 Museum from 1:45-2:00, then head down to the Cafeteria for our Poetry Reading.  I will have a sign-out sheet if you choose to take your child home directly from there-we'll be sure the kids are packed up and ready. :)  You can send in 120 projects anytime during the week of March 19th.  Thanks!

Conferences-if the remaining times for Wednesday the 15th do not work for your schedule, please let me know.  I will know after next Wednesday what my after school/evening availability will be for the rest of the month of March.

Project Day on Thursday, March 15th, 1:45-2:30-we'll be planting/getting grubby. :)

Have an awesome weekend!!