Saturday, November 11, 2017

Hi, everyone!

Well, after a beautiful October the weather has finally decided to turn chilly!  Thank you for sending appropriate cold weather gear for my first grade friends.  **Please make sure to label your child's clothing with their name or initials so that we can keep track of whose belongings are whose! :)

It was a very busy four days in first grade!  We wrote learning reflections to share with our parents at conferences, continued to become experts at place value (tens and ones), started learning about the first Thanksgiving and the people who celebrated it, had an outdoor safety drill, learned about Perseverance with Mrs. Patch, enjoyed testing hypotheses and making observations during STEM, and did some special projects!  Big thanks to Mrs. Twombly and Mrs. Trickey for coming to help with our projects-it was a lot of fun!!  Look in the Upcoming Events listing to find out when our next Project Day will be-we'd love to have you there!

BIG NEWS-!  We earned another 25 Caught-You-Being-Good Cards!  We voted to celebrate by having a Pajama Day on Friday, November 17th!  :)

On Monday the 13th, we will be walking up to the High School for the rescheduled Cultural Arts performance that we were supposed to have attended on October 31st-please make sure we have comfortable shoes for walking :).

I am also extending the Scholastic Book Order deadline until Monday November 13th-we've only had one book order so far, and with all the craziness from the storm days interfering with our routines, I want to make sure that families have a chance to order.  The class online ordering code is H63NZ.

Also, be sure to check out the Scholastic Book Fair in our Library during the week after Thanksgiving...
            Monday, November 27th                 3pm – 6pm
            Tuesday, November 28th                3pm – 6pm
            Wednesday, November 29th          1pm – 4pm
            Thursday, November 30th               3pm – 6pm

On Tuesday, November 21st, we'll have a class Turkey Trot on the track before it closes for the winter!  Please make sure we have appropriate shoes for walking and running that afternoon. :)

FOR PARENTS ONLY...Looking ahead (but I know the days will evaporate!)...on Thursday, December 21st, we'll have Polar Express Day!  Your first grader may wear pajamas and bring a special pillow or blanket to be comfy during our class viewing of the book and movie, and some related activities!  I will have a little gift for each of them as well. :)  Please be prepared to send a baggie or package of (already popped) popcorn for your child. 
 **Shhh!  Don't tell yet-I want this day to be a surprise! ;) **

**Speaking of upcoming events, don't forget to check out the Upcoming Events and Links lists in the sidebar menu here on the blog.  If you are using a mobile device/phone, and can't see the sidebar, just scroll to the bottom of the main message and click on View as Web Page. :)

Here are a few images from our week together...

 Place Value Bingo!!!

 Turtle Drums and Wampum Beads!


This year is FLYING by-I am having such a wonderful time with my first grade learners!  I hope they are having fun too-they are only this age for a short time, and I want it to be as special and memorable as possible! 
I shared a number of family outing opportunities in last week's blog post-I hope you and your family get to enjoy some of them and these other exciting things happening in our area over the next several weeks:
The Polar Express at Maine's Narrow Gauge Railroad:
And in North Conway, NH:
Or on the big screen in Saco:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!  As always, thank you for your help and support! :)